Saturday, February 4, 2023

dining room table

​I spent some time in the workshop today. These are the legs for a new dining room table I’m working on.  It’s based off this J Leg Table at Rogue Engineer. We both liked the table, it looked relatively easy to customize/make, and it seemed rather economical in parts. So I started to make plans. 

I needed a planer, so I found one on marketplace. It was a nice heavy Delta  22-560. It needed some light work, as one of the blades had a screw loose, had lifted off the cutterhead and had some build up under it. It didn’t cut flat.  After cleaning that up, and when lumber went to a resonance price, I purchased the wood for the legs.  They were planed and cut according to the template, sanded, and now assembled.

That’s what these are. The first assembly of the legs. It should look nice when done.