Saturday, February 4, 2023

dining room table

​I spent some time in the workshop today. These are the legs for a new dining room table I’m working on.  It’s based off this J Leg Table at Rogue Engineer. We both liked the table, it looked relatively easy to customize/make, and it seemed rather economical in parts. So I started to make plans. 

I needed a planer, so I found one on marketplace. It was a nice heavy Delta  22-560. It needed some light work, as one of the blades had a screw loose, had lifted off the cutterhead and had some build up under it. It didn’t cut flat.  After cleaning that up, and when lumber went to a resonance price, I purchased the wood for the legs.  They were planed and cut according to the template, sanded, and now assembled.

That’s what these are. The first assembly of the legs. It should look nice when done. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Battery Boxes

 We have a pile of batteries around the house.  AA, AAA, D, 9 volt, coin, and they all make a mess in a box.  To help with this I searched Printables, Thangs, Thingiverse and didn't find anything I liked to store them.  So many of the boxes were just not right, or didn't have enough space, or some other thing.  So... I fired up Fusion and started to design my own.

In the design, I made it parameterized.  There are many variables entered into the design, but the primary ones are the diameter of the cell, the length of the cell, and the number of rows and columns in the box.  Other than that, the box will design itself, along with the box top.  These can then be exported to your slicer and printed.  

The file is posted in printables.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Raspberry Pi case for Octoprint

 I have a raspberry pi connected to my 3d printer.  It allows a larger storage location, gives me the ability to generate movies of the printing, gives me stats on how my prints and printer are doing. I can also connect and send files through my network, so it’s a bit more convenient than copying things by an SD card. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

light day in the shop with leftover wood

​It’s a small day in the shop today. Since my shop is in the basement, I need to be somewhat considerate of the others. Dust can be a big concern and I’m trying to be better at keeping it under control. To help this I got one of those cyclone units to attach to my ship vac. It really makes a difference in the life of the filters. Wow!  That bucket is filled with powder.  

To help keep things somewhat organized I whipped together a small table to put the cyclone on. It’s nothing special, kinda redneck, but it will get the job done. It’s made from leftovers around the shop- a piece of MDF, some 1x2, and hopes and dreams. I figure I’ll top it off with some bungee cords to hold it down. Perfect!

minor emergency

​Not sure what happened. Suspicious of a snowblower incident, since it snowed last night. However, it was getting cold in the basement. Come to notice that it was breezy as well. 

One of the basement windows was broken. Hhmmm….  Ok. Well. A quick trip to ACE hardware and $7 later. All better. 

The fun of home ownership.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Socket Cabinet

 I want to change my storage for my sockets.  I have something like these but I don't like them.  They are getting old and loose and just don't seem convenient.  I was looking for a small cabinet to put organizers in, but can't find anything I like, thats the right size, or I can afford, so I'm modeling one to make from wood.  It will most likely be about 14x14x11 high for my use, but I'm making the model to be generic with parameters for dimensions, so it can be redone for other sizes easily.

Dog Toys

​We have a George. An active 1yr old border collie. 

He’s taking some agility classes now and he seems to be having a good time. I’m guessing these will be on my project list for the summer.